
andjani story

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hello, I'm Andjani Puji Priyanti. They're call me Jani. This is My Blog. You may Read my posting. and give me your opinion. Thank You


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Senin, 07 November 2011


one day there was a 19-year-old girl named callin. callin is a good boy industrious and wealthy. callin often left behind by both parents.

callin: I'm so bored. at home no one who. My parents each busywith his work. I want to get out of here. I can not stand it hereanymore
then set up his clothes and callin him out of the house and no one knows if callin run away from home. Callin finally managed to get out of the house.

After that callin want to find tempt to live for herself. Callin finally did find a place to live. but the place was occupied by a thug thug.and the mob approached the callin

thug: going where you dik?
she asked with a drunk. callin thugs tried to run away but was stillcloser to her. Engen thugs callin very frightened and there wassomeone young men with big hearts to help callin.

youth: do not disturb him? if you disturb him, my opponent first.

after that, thugs and young berantam and issued his martial artsaction.

Finally thugs left. but callin still traumatized by the men.

youth: are you okay?

callin ran away leaving the young man. callin ran very fast until the young man disappeared.

callin very tired because he ran up to forget the speed. callin to see small shops. he came into the shop to buy a glass of water
callin: Mr. one glass of water, please?
youth: this miss your water glass to
callin the seller did not know if it is the helper of callin. then callinlook to the seller or the young man. pennjual was trying to explain the events that had happened. After the young man told me everything, and sales callin it recognize himself 

callin: what’s your name ? introduced, my name callin

youth: my name is andy. you're doing here? maybe I can help you ?
callin: I want to find a place to live.
youth: oh, you want to find a place to live. So, you do not live withyour parents?
callin: do not talk about my parents.
youth: oh, well. how do while you stay near my house?
Callin: oh well.
callin and Andy ended up going to a new residence for callin.Having reached the place in going to, callin look see. although a small house, but callin remain grateful gift from God and Andy as well.

 Youth: yes already, to call it here first. hopefully tomorrow we canmeet again. Sorry, if this place is small for you?

Callin: not what's what. The important thing I can live independentlylike you.
Youth: Okay. I go home? good night callin
callin: good evening also

callin locked the door after that and get ready for bed at night. after 9 hours later, callin up from where tidunya. Dawn call to prayer was already heard, do not forget Callin ready ready ablution andprayer. After praying, he prayed.
callin 'God, these days the first time I lived alone without myparents Orong. Please forgive my mistakes I've ever done. O Allah, give me your protection untuh own. I want to live independently. Today I want to find a job to be able to provide forme, O God. Hopefully servant can make money without the help of others. O God graciously hear your servant. Amin.

at 6 am, callin get ready for sports in the park. Not intentionally,callin met with Andy. Andy also wanted Jogging along callin. Andthey both end up jogging together.

was almost 1 hour more, they are trying to break. They stoppedjogging in the park.
Andy: tired yes.
callin: yes, I also
Andy: Do you want a drink?
Callin: why not?

Then Andy bought 2 bottles of drinking water.
Andy: This is for you.
Callin: thank you
Andy: thanks again
Callin: An, Today I want to find work. but I'm confused, what I want to work and work where?
Andy: hmm, what capabilities you now?

Callin was confused as to what he's capabilities in the works. andcallin still thinking.

Callin: hmm, I do not know andy
Andy: Now here's the deal, How do you work at a food stall as acook? Do you agree?
Callin: hmm, Okay. I'll try it

Then Callin and Andy went home to change clothes. And they are ready to find jobs for callin.

Any callin and go down the pathstep by step in the travel very fast.callin very zealous in seeking employmentEventually they all tellandy diner this morning.

was almost 2 hourscallin it did not workThen they are still excited

bid to the two already in tolahk also

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